Wednesday, October 7, 2020

On the Fact that C.I.A. Director, Gina Haspel (One of the Architects of Bush's "Enhanced Interrogation" Program but I Digress), Just Happened to Be that Agency's London Bureau-Chief at Precisely the Same Time that George Papadopolous Was Getting Set Up by the U.S. Surveillance-State There............and so Maybe, Just Maybe, that's the Reason Why the Gal Is so Hesitant to Declassify Documents Which Will Undoubtedly Blow the Lid Off of this Whole Spygate Scandal - Simply a Conjecture

While it's true that Trump has made some good decisions as President (tax reductions, troop removals from Syria, peace talks, etc.), he's also made some bad ones and a lot of those involve personnel (Bolton, Haspel, etc.). Hopefully he corrects this one quickly as the citizens need to know this shit before November 3rd, you know, to make an informed decision.

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