Thursday, October 22, 2020

On the Claim that a Biden Presidency Would Constitute a "Return to Normalcy"

 So packing the court, making Puerto Rico and D.C. states (so four more Democratic Senators in perpetuity essentially), flooding the country with millions more destitute and illiterate third-world immigrants (i.e., future Democratic voters), allowing for post-partum abortions, continuing with these insane lockdowns, flirting with the moronic concept of "hate-speech" (shitting on the First Amendment, in other words), being all-in with big tech tyranny, reducing the voting age to 16 (seriously, they're considering it), forcing the suburbs to accept low-income housing through some Orwellian Obama era relic called "Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing" (which I'm sure will exclude Martha's Vineyard where the Obamas themselves live), neutering the Electoral College (eliminating it completely would call for a Constitutional Amendment but not to worry, they have a plan B), allowing jack-booted thugs to burn down cities without so much as lifting a paw to stop them, infusing identity politics and racial-grievance mongering into damn-near every crevice of society, confiscating firearms on a mass-scale, deep-sixing fossil fuels and replacing them with diffuse and unreliable green energy options (those rolling blackouts in California, imagine that for the entire nation), raising taxes to confiscatory levels, socializing medicine even more than it already is, and promising free healthcare to illegal aliens...........constitute a return to normalcy? Yeah, I must be getting ancient 'cause I don't remember any of this shit being the norm. Ever. Do you?   

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