Friday, October 30, 2020

On Benjamin Franklin More than 200 Years Ago Proclaiming that, "Those Who Would Give Up Essential Liberty to Purchase a Little Temporary Safety Deserve Neither Liberty nor Safety", and the Neo-Marxist Shits of Today Responding with, "Yeah, but He Was a Straight White Male"

Two huge pieces of idiocy here; a) this buffoonish notion that only white people have done nasty shit in the past (shit, there's still slavery going on in Africa right now - AS WE SPEAK!!) and b) this equally low-IQ tendency to judge 18th Century individuals according to 21st Century ethics and sensibilities (and of course doing so in an inconsistent manner; Shaka Zulu - good guy, Benjamin Franklin - not so good).............................................................................................................Of course the scariest part of this entire thing is that this crackpot foolishness isn't any longer confined to a handful of crazy humanities departments and has instead metastasized to the entire academy and even on to the corporate world (the media and big tech companies, especially). You think that the Chinese are eating our lunch now. Just wait. 

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