Friday, August 28, 2020

On this Low-Life Socialist Buffoon, ABSENT SO MUCH AS A DROPLET OF EVIDENCE, Referring to the Kenosha Shooter, Kyle Rittenhouse, a 17 Year-Old White Kid, as a, "Domestic Terrorist" and "White Supremacist", and the Rioters as, Folks Who "Had Assembled to Affirm the Value, Dignity, and Worth of Black Lives" (Save, of Course, for the Life of David Dorn, David Patrick Underwood, Natalia Marie Kelly, and Other Black Folks Who've Been Slaughtered by These Low-IQ Looters and Rioters)

In a sane world this asshat would have been expelled from Congress months ago but because we live in a world in which these activists can lie and defame with impunity, she'll probably be heralded by the media shits as some sort of champion of the downtrodden. Unbelievable, huh?..............................................................................................................Now, as for Mr. Rittenhouse, I'll agree that the dude probably shouldn't have been there (and, yes, here the parents need to be held accountable) but being somewhere isn't a crime in America (not yet at least) and neither is defending oneself when attacked. Hopefully this situation gets adjudicated fairly and, yes, if some new evidence comes out against ole Kyle, I will follow that evidence......but right now I see a guy being chased, kicked in the head, and a gun being pulled on him and in my world that's self-defense. Sorry but, yeah.  

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