Sunday, August 9, 2020

On the Fact that In 2007, the CDC Came Out with a Pandemic Severity Index that Rated Outbreaks from 1 to 5, with 1 Being On Par with the Seasonal Flu and 5 Being Akin to the Spanish Flu of 1918 and Even with Level-5 Intensity Pandemics (Which at Today's Population Levels Would Kill Approximately 2,000,000 Americans) at No Point Did They Recommend Locking-Down the Economy, Destroying Civil-Liberties, Making People Wear Masks, etc., etc. -

 So what's going on here? Does the establishment want Trump out of office so desperately that they're willing to destroy both the economy AND the Constitution? Or is it more of a generic power-grab (as described perfectly by Robert Higgs in his seminal book, "Crisis and Leviathan" and by H.L. Mencken in numerous publications) prompted by some light-bulb moment (never wanting a "good crisis" to "go to waste")? I simply don't get it (though, yeah, the truth will likely come out soon). 

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