Monday, August 31, 2020

On the Fact that (According to a New Meta-Analysis) the Survival-Rates for COVID-19 Infection Are the Following:

Ages 0 to 34 - 99.99%, ages 35 to 44 - 99.96%, ages 45 to 54 - 99.8%, ages 55 to 64 - 99.3%, ages 65 to 74 - 97.6%, and ages 75 to 84 - 91.1%. Yes, every death is tragic and we would like all of those numbers to be 100% but when it comes to public health there are always trade-offs (driving automobiles, for example).......and, I'm sorry, but these stats do not justify destroying the economy (an action that has clearly caused more health issues than the virus itself) and crushing civil liberties. Not in my book, at least. 

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