Friday, July 3, 2020

On Why Black Lives Matter (the Organization, Not the Hashtag or Sentiment) Is Pure Poison

The harsh fact that a) when you norm for criminality and cop interactions, the police are actually more likely to use lethal force on a white suspect than a black one (I refer you here to the great work of Harvard economist, Roland Fryer), b) there were only 10 unarmed black men killed by police in 2019 and virtually all of them were either attacking the cop or going after his partner, c) interracial violence in America is predominantly black on white, black on Asian, black on Hispanic, and black on Jewish......and, so, no, blacks aren't the victims here but rather the victimizers, d) if you go to their low-brow web-site you'll notice that these morons are a bunch of anti-capitalist Marxists who want to overthrow the system, destroy the nuclear family, and who think that Israel is committing genocide (ignoring the fact that the Palestinian population is expanding and that there are legitimate genocides taking place in sub-Saharan Africa), e) a significant percentage of these cities where cops are supposedly out of control are already led by hard-left mayors, bleeding-heart district attorneys, and city councils that are totally down with the cause (and, so, what, elect even more leftists, that's there answer?), f) their combustible and irresponsible rhetoric has already gotten more than a few police officers murdered, g) the institutional left has been trying for decades to prove that the criminal justice system is biased against blacks and the evidence simply isn't there ( - for a brief summary), and h) there isn't a place on the planet where minorities are treated better than in the U.S. (that's why they all want to come here - HELLO!) and, so, yeah, maybe these clowns need to tamp down their bullshit, I'm just sayin'.............Yeah, there are probably other reasons but let's start here, what do ya' say?

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