Wednesday, July 1, 2020

On Having a Well Thought-Out Opinion and Being Denounced for it Simply Because of Your Race (AKA, Residing In the World of Thomas Sowell, Walter Williams, John McWhorter, Shelby Steele, Coleman Hughes, Roland Fryer, Larry Elder, Jason Riley, Carol Swain, Glenn Loury, Deroy Murdoch, Candace Owens, etc., etc.)

Yeah, that's gotta' be tough being a black conservative these days, having to hear idiots like Biden telling you that you aren't black unless you vote for him. Thankfully we still have guys like Sowell, Williams, McWhorter, and Steele who don't give a shit what the Bidens of the world have to say. I just wish that we had a wee-bit more, that's all. 

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