Monday, July 13, 2020

On the Fact that the World Health Organization Has Gone from Saying that a) COVID-19 Isn't an Airborne Virus to Now Asserting that it Is, b) There Isn't Any Evidence that COVID-19 Can Be Transmitted Human to Human to Now Asserting that There's a Shitload of Evidence, and c) You Only Need to Wear a Mask if You're Caring for Sick People or if You Yourself Are Coughing, Sneezing, etc. to Now Asserting that You Consistently Need to Wear One In Public -

These people are a) nuts and b) bureaucratic and political functionaries who more than likely couldn't make it in the private-sector and so they've descended to a place where they literally get compensated for throwing massive amounts of feces against the wall to see what sticks.............and while I can't say that I agree with Trump on everything, yeah, getting rid of these buffoons, totally down with it.

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