Sunday, July 5, 2020

On the Fact that Taking a Tiny Sample of Events and Extrapolating from Them a Wider Theory Is About as Low-IQ as it Gets......and Yet this Is Exactly What Black Lives Matter and the Entirety of Their Enablers (the Media, Political Establishment, Academics, Hollywood Shits, etc.) Have Been Pushing Lately with this Virulent Anti-Cop Jihad of Theirs (Taking a Handful of Questionable Police Killings and Trying to Tar the Whole Profession with Them)

The lack of critical thinking, maturity, and perspective in this country is frightening, and unless we start electing some serious individuals who can bring to the table these attributes, we're screwed (the downside of course being that the smartest people usually don't go into politics; folks like Thomas Sowell and Heather MacDonald, and so it's extremely hard to be optimistic here). Full stop.      

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