Tuesday, July 21, 2020

On the Fact that Seattle's Mayor Was Fully Down with the "Protesters" and Even Seemed AOK with Them Annexing a Huge Chunk of the City as an "Autonomous Zone"............UNTIL that Is the Assholes Showed Up at Her Residence, Prompting a Much Different Train of Thought - https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/seattle-mayor-slams-protesters-for-showing-no-regard-for-her-safety-as-demonstrators-circle-her-home

Yeah, it's real easy to write off the destruction of other people's property but when it comes to your own shit, mm, not so much. Hopefully this will prompt these politicians to have a little more empathy, not just for the criminal class but for the people who pay the taxes as well............................................................................................P.S. I've just been informed that the Mayors of Olympia and New Orleans have experience similar come-to-Jesus moments and, so, maybe, just maybe, we're on a roll here. One can only hope, right?  

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