Thursday, July 9, 2020

On the Fact that Only In the Lunatic Minds of the Modern-Day Press Can a Bunch of Unruly Black Lives Matter Protesters a) Bust Down the Gate to a Private Person's Home, b) Trespass with Impunity, and c) Threaten the Inhabitants to the Point Where Those Inhabitants Felt the Need to Brandish Weapons......and Still Somehow Be Considered Victims

I get it that they're pushing this narrative of black victimization but at some point the absurdity will have to be reckoned with. Let's just hope that it doesn't involve violence, 'cause that won't be good for anybody...........................................................................................................P.S. And, yes, that St. Louis couple had every reason to be fearful after the violence and murders that took place in Minneapolis, New York, and several other cities. I mean, wouldn't you be?..........And while I get it that asshats like Chris Cuomo never have to worry about bullshit like this (in their neck of the woods)......and that its easy for them to be judgemental, I still have to wonder, how would they how have acted differently? Invited the whole crew in for milk and cookies? Seriously. 

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