Saturday, July 11, 2020

On the Fact that a Large Percentage of Confederate Generals Either Never Owned a Slave (Joseph Johnston, A.P. Hill, Fitzhugh Lee, etc.) or Only Owned Several Which They Freed Long Before the War for Southern Independence (Stonewall Jackson, Nathan Bedford Forrest, and J. E. B. Stuart, for Example)

Yeah, this whole notion that such distinguished men would willingly surrender their lives to protect the slave-holding rights of 10,000 or so wealthy plantation families (the families with more than 20 slaves) seems rather ludicrous (especially in light of Lincoln's strong backing of the Corwin Amendment which would have codified slavery in perpetuity) and yet we're expected to swallow it no questions asked.Thankfully we're still allowed a semblance of free and independent inquiry in this country (they haven't "cancelled" everything yet) and can fight back against this binary-infused form of Marxist buffoonery. We just have to do it, that's all.

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