Saturday, July 18, 2020

On the Fact that if the Soviets Had Won the Cold War, Proceeded to Push Their Hegemony Well Into Our Region, and Then for the Sheer Fuck of it Decided to Install a Bunch of Neo-Nazis to Rule Over Mexico, I'm Pretty Certain that We Wouldn't Appreciate it to the Tune of Clinton, Bush 2, or Obama Possibly Shooting Out a Nuke or Two............but Because the Opposite Happened We're Fully Expecting Russia to Simply Bend Over and Accept the Penetration

Yeah, to me, America's imperial foreign policy over the past 130 years or so (further back than that if you also include the Mexican-American War) has been the real atrocity and not the fact that we once practiced a form of servitude which was far less pugnacious than those which were practiced contemporaneously in other parts of the world............but that's just me, I guess. Triggered? Thought so.

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