Sunday, July 26, 2020

On the Fact that (According to Recent Research - 62% of the Social Scientists On America's College Campuses Identify as Either Radicals, Marxists, or Activists (With Humanities Professors Just About as as Hard-Core Polling at 50% Radical, Marxist, or Activist)

So, yeah, if you want to understand where a large chunk of our modern-day depravity is coming from, look no further, I would argue (the fact that these mouth-breathing psychopaths have been poisoning multiple generations and there simply aren't enough grown-ups left to counter the foolishness)......................................................................................................P.S. There is however one piece of good news in that the computer science/engineering, and health-related professors only polled-in at 3.3 and 1.2% hard-core, yeah, if we could just keep the students out of those fucking electives (and, yes, this is coming from a guy who's undergraduate degree was in psych) maybe we could still save the damned country. One could only hope, huh?

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