Tuesday, July 21, 2020

On the Claim by Canadian Physicist, Denis Rancourt, that COVID-19 Isn't Transmitted Through Coughing, Sneezing, and Touching Surfaces but Rather Though Breathing the Aerosols Circulating In Homes, Buildings, and Inside Work Environments

Makes sense. I used to work in various healthcare settings and whenever there was a big outbreak, I'd wear the stupid mask, constantly wash my hands, and I'd still come down with the fucking thing because the aerosols go right through the mask with relative ease. If you truly want to remain healthy, the best thing to do is try to make your immune system stronger through exercise, diet, fresh air, etc. and not go around wearing some stupid mask that a) doesn't protect you and b) probably makes things worse by causing stress, suppressing your immune system, trapping bacteria, causing headaches (sucking in your own CO2 all day), etc.. Common sense things, in other words.

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