Friday, July 10, 2020

On a Black Driver Running Over a White Female Black Lives Matter Protester In Seattle and the Corporate Press Doing Everything Humanly Possible to Conceal the Racial Aspect of the Story When We're All Aware that if the Roles Were Reversed They'd Be Hammering Away 24/7 On it

And these clowns know the stats (those which say that when you norm for population a black person is 40 times more likely to violently attack a white person than vice versa)......but for whatever brain-diseased reason (ratings, hatred of Trump, bald ideology, sadistic impulses, etc.) they just keep on stoking these flames of racial division......and then blame Trump. It's disgusting and if the shit ever does start hitting the fan, yep, they've got some 'spainin' to do. A lot. 

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