Wednesday, June 10, 2020

On World Health Organization (Supposedly the Be-All and End-All According to Ole Muckerberg) Official, Maria van Kerhove, Now Claiming that, "it Is Rare that an Asymptomatic Person Actually Transmits Onward to a Secondary Individual"

So we've bludgeoned the world economy, caused the deaths of untold people, suppressed the immune systems of millions of healthy individuals, and obliterated civil-liberties it a degree that we haven't seen seen the days of Woodrow Wilson, and all because we listened to these government functionaries spouting bullshit. Man, does there ever need to be an investigation once this shit is over and "crimes against humanity" probably needs to be on the table (especially if it can be shown that far more lost years of life have resulted from the lockdown than from the corona-virus). It's certainly on my radar.

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