Tuesday, June 16, 2020

On Pelosi Jumping On the "We Must Take Down All the Confederate Monuments" Bandwagon While Simultaneously Leaving Aside the Fact that Her Father as Mayor of Baltimore In 1948 Dedicated a Stonewall Jackson, Robert E. Lee Monument In Wyman Park - https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/pelosi-calls-for-removal-of-confederate-statues-while-silent-on-her-father-dedicating-one-as-mayor

Yeah, this is what happens when you a) cater to the mob and b) strictly adhere to a comic-book rendering of history in which the Northerners were these liberators (total bullshit in that if you read Lincoln's 1861 inaugural you'll quickly find out that the fellow was 100% accommodating to slavery) and the Southerners a bunch of Snidely Whiplash cutouts (the abolition movement actually started in the South and fellows like Lee were actually more opposed to slavery than Lincoln). But, hey, we are talking Pelosi here and, so, yeah, a certain level of idiocy - TO BE EXPECTED, and deliver she did, AGAIN!   

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