Thursday, June 11, 2020

On the Fact that We Knew Two Things Early On In this Wuhan-Virus Pandemic -

the harsh fact that a) this was an infection which predominantly impacted the elderly and those with a problematic immune system and b) the negative health effects from a smashed economy would probably far exceed those from the virus (the evidence is abundant on this topic and the fact that none of the entrenched bureaucrats made any sort of effort to examine it is disgusting)............but instead of acknowledging these basic points and taking a much more measured approach with this issue (locking down nursing homes, providing services to the elderly still living at home, educating the general public, etc.) we allowed all of these fascist mayors and governors to engage in what was probably the most ruthless power-grab in American history.......Oh well, at least they're letting us out to riot. Thank God for that (he said, at a level-5 sarcasm alert). 

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