Thursday, June 18, 2020

On the Fact that Trump Called this One (Predicting that These Low-IQ Anti-American Scumbags Wouldn't Stop Their Mindless Destruction with the Confederate Monuments and Would Eventually Turn Their Misplaced Idiocy to Jefferson, Madison, and Washington)

Yeah, these jackasses have no perspective whatsoever. Yes, Jefferson owned slaves but to be fair, a) so, too, did a major chunk of the planet - INCLUDING AFRICA, b) the guy was personally opposed to slavery and ultimately backed legislation which helped end the slave trade, c) the slaves in the Victorian South were far better off than the blacks in Africa in that the entire African landmass (circa the 18th Century) was in a constant state of war, ethnic-cleansing and genocide, and a brutal form of slavery that far superseded anything in North America (they were also better off than the freed blacks in the North and even many dirt-poor Southern whites), d) there were also tens of thousands of blacks in the U.S. who owned slaves (over the years) and so maybe the racial component has been oversold in this regard, too and e) the bondage that was practiced in the Victorian South wasn't the type of chattel slavery as typical of the old Roman period but rather a category of servitude in which slaves both had rights (there were laws all throughout the South against the mistreatment of slaves and a great many people were imprisoned for violating these laws, slaves were also allowed to learn a trade and often had part-time jobs off the plantation) AND the possibility of gaining their freedom via compensating their masters (hundreds of thousands of slaves obtained their freedom this way and many more probably could have but chose to stay on the plantation).........................................................................................................Look, I get it. We all want a simple story in which good guys and villains both wear easily identifiable outfits and where everything can be wrapped-up in a nice little bow BUT HISTORY AIN'T THAT.............And as for these young morons who perpetrated this vile bullshit, yeah, I'm kind of pissed-off at 'em, but I am far, far more outraged at these brain-disordered Marxist professors who've been indoctrinating an entire fucking generation into hating not just their country but themselves, too. These degenerates need to go.............................................................................................................Some interesting sources that you might want to check out some day (let's just hope that they don't get burned) - Sources - "To Hell or Barbados" by Sean O'Callighan, "White Cargo" by Don Jordan and Michael Walsh,  "Slavery, Capitalism, and Politics In the Antebellum Republic" by John Ashworth, "White Servitude In the Colony of Virginia" by James Curtis Ballagh, "The African Slave Trade" by Basil Davidson, "Christian Slaves, Muslim Masters" by Robert C. Davis, "Islam's Black Slaves" by Ronald Segal, "Everything You Were Taught About American Slavery Is Wrong, Ask a Southerner" by Lochlainn Seabrook, "The History of Slavery and the Slave Trade" by William O. Blake, "A Historical Guide to World Slavery" by Seymour Drescher and Stanley Engerman, "Modern Slavery" by Henry Nevinson, "Africa Yesterday and Today" by Clark Moore and Ann Dunbar, "Tropical Africa" by Robert Coughlan, "The Afro-American Experience" by James Dormon and Robert Jones, "The Myth of the Negro Past" by Melville Herskovits, "History of Africa" by Kevin Shillington, "Slavery as an Industrial System" by Herman Nieboer, "White Slavery In the Barbary States" by Charles Sumner, "Myths of American Slavery" by Walter Kennedy        

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