Tuesday, June 2, 2020

On the Fact that Merriam Webster's Definition of White Supremacist is, "a Person Who Believes that the White Race Is Inherently Superior to Other Races and that White People Should Have Control Over People of Other Races"

I've been around for over six decades and I have yet to meet one, single, solitary person who meets that definition.......and I doubt that very many other folks have, either, and yet if you listen to these venal, race-baiting literal piles of garbage over at CNN and MSLSD you'd probably think that the country was being overrun by such individuals. It's ludicrous and, yes, the explanation of course revolves around the fact that the shitheads who run those propagandist outlets continuously alter the language to the point where people who simply wish to strengthen the border and not have their country transform into another Yugoslavia or Sri Lanka (multicultural societies that have evolved into bloody dumpster-fires) are lumped into the same category as genocidal maniacs. Unfortunately not a lot of people fact-check these buffoons (we still have dictionaries, folks - they're online now) and so they tend to get away with their bullshit but, damn, we have to at least try and counter the narrative, no? 

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