Saturday, June 6, 2020

On the Fact that Joy Reid and the Rest of Those Buffoonish Anchors Over at MSLSD Are Actually Trying to Convince Their Viewership that the Rioters and Looters All Throughout America Are Actually White Supremacists Trying to Stir Things Up

How deranged do you have to be to come up with something like that? I mean, just open your damned eyes and watch the video. Virtually all of the rioters are either black or white assholes dressed in Antifa garb. And even if you buy the fantastical notion that these Antifa buffoons are actually white supremacists disguised as Antifa, we do have intelligence to indicate otherwise. "U.S.A. Today", for instance, states that, "Intelligence reports indicate that most of the hard-core protesters in Minnesota are far-left anarchists and that far-right groups have not yet made a significant appearance." Please, if you're watching MSNBC and you don't like being lied to, switch the channel, for Christ.

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