Saturday, June 27, 2020

On the Fact that the English Used to Take Great Pride In Being the First Country to Abolish Slavery but Instead of Maintaining that Well-Deserved Pride, They've Gone Backwards and Are Now Beating Themselves Up for Having it In the First Place (this While Asians, Native Americans, Arabs, and Africans Feel Literally No Guilt for Their Role In Slavery)

Yeah, this white guilt foolishness needs to stop. I mean, I understand how badly that certain folks want to get rid of Trump and all but to constantly sew this brand of racial division and resentment has the destruction of the West written all over it............and if believe that that's a good thing, you're either a fucking recluse or a heavily indoctrinated gender-studies asshat fresh from the bowels of our once highly respected university system. An idiot, in other words. 

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