Monday, April 6, 2020

On Silver Dropping to $13 an Ounce but Investors Not Being Able to Locate Any (the Dealers Have Either Sold Out or Are Sitting On Their Inventory so as to Not Take a Beating) and Even When They Do Find Some, the Dealers Are Asking 8 to 9 Dollars Over Spot

Yeah, when I first saw that silver was clocking-in at 12-something an ounce I almost keeled-over......and then I tried to find the shit and, boom, the euphoria was over. Hopefully some specimens start to resurface before the price rises again (and rest assured, it will) but until that happens, gold is still a safe and reasonably priced option ($5 gold eagles can still be had for a bout $200 a pop). It's what I'm buying anyway. 

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