Sunday, April 12, 2020

On the Left In Certain States Saying that it's OK for Women to Choose Abortion Over Adoption (Even with Late-Term Pregnancies) but Not OK for Those Same Women to Choose Chloroquine (Prescribed by a Doctor) to Treat Their Corona-Virus Symptoms

Put aside politics for a moment. Does that seem even remotely moral (never mind, logical)? I mean, I'm not even that big of an anti-abortion guy (I generally support it in the first trimester but not post viability) and it sure as hell troubles me (both the late-term abortion part and the tyranny of withholding certain drugs)......................................................................................................And I think that we all know what's going on here. These leftist governors are only opposed to the drug because Trump touted it. If Trump had never brought it up, they'd be for it and how fucking childish is that? Pretty damned so, I'd say.

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