Monday, April 27, 2020

On the Claim by Dr. Daniel Erickson that There Have Been About 4.6 Million (a Stat Derived from Representative Sampling and Extrapolation - Behavioral Statistics 101) COVID Infections In California (Approximately 12% of the Population) and that of this Number Only 1,227 Have Perished so Far, Making the Mortality-Rate of COVID In that State 0.027% (27 per 100,000, In Other Words)

The stats are starting to pour in and it seems rather clear now that our response to this virus has been utterly extreme............and unless you want the suffering from this self-imposed economic calamity to continue, time to open things up, wouldn't you say?..................................................................................................P.S. And, yes, one of the likely reasons why California has done so well is the fact that it may have inadvertently developed a herd immunity due to the thousands of East-Asians having entered the state in November and December; individuals that may have been carrying the corona-virus and passing it on to Californians - Yes, it's still just a theory but an exceedingly plausible one.   

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