Sunday, April 26, 2020

Note to that Deranged Governor of Michigan

It isn't just a loss of civil liberties, lady. It's a also the brutal realization that the economic devastation being brought about by you statist buffoons is probably going to cause MORE DEATHS (deaths of despair, the putting off of preventative care, etc.) than a pathogen that even Dr. Fauci (in a recent New England Journal of Medicine article) has concluded is no more deadly than the yearly flu. I mean, I get it that as a bureaucratic functionary you're probably not the swiftest individual to be dealing with things of this sort to (issues that involve both economics AND health) but certainly you must understand that this isn't an either/or dilemma. The fact of the matter is that society can both protect the elderly (and other vulnerable folks) AND have the rest of us more or less carry on (with people acting in their own self-interest, using mitigation, etc.). IT'S NOT ROCKET-SCIENCE......and we aren't children. Dear lord.......................................................................................................P.S. And, no, your draconian measures don't even make sense from a medical perspective. Yes, you're possibly "flattening the curve" but all that that does is stretch out the same number of deaths over a longer period of time, this while a much smaller group of people build up sufficient antibodies to hopefully prevent this sucker from becoming a seasonal problem (this per Dr.s Ioannides, Atlas, and Bhattacharya out of Stanford, Dr. Wittkowski from the Rockefeller University, and Dr. Katz from Yale)......................................................................................................For more on the virulent effects of economic hardship on health - -

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