Monday, April 20, 2020

Democrats Who I Find More Objectionable than Trump (In No Particular Order)

1) Nancy Pelosi, 2) Eric Swalwell, 3) Beto O'Dork, 4) Elizabeth Warren, 5) Stacey Abrams, 6) Maxine Waters, 7) that idiot socialist bimbo from New York, 8) Gavin Newsom, 9) Adam Schiff, 10) Jerry Nadler, 11) that idiot socialist Muslim bimbo from Minnesota, 12) that idiot socialist Muslim bimbo from Michigan, 13) Spartacus (AKA, Cory Booker), 14) Kamala Harris, 15) Hillary Clinton, 16) Kirsten Gillibrand, 17) Sheldon Whitehouse, 18) Dick Blumenthal, 19) Diane Feinstein, 20) Mazie Horono, 21) Barbara Boxer, 22) Bill de Blasio, 23) Bernie Sanders (if you consider him a Democrat), 24) Sheila Jackson Lee, 25) Gregory Meeks............Yeah, there are probably some more but, it's a start......................................................................................................P.S. And, no, this isn't meant as any sort of major endorsement of Trump (trust me, I have issues with him as well; the deficit spending, the arms-sales to Saudi Arabia, the continued bombing of Syria, etc.). I'm simply trying to underscore just how batshit-crazy that these Democrats have become nowadays. That's all.

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