Saturday, March 21, 2020

On the Washington Post's Reprobate Media Critic, Margaret Sullivan (Think Brian Stelter In a Dress), Writing a Column In Which She Bemoans the "Insidious Feedback Loop" Between Fox News and Trump

Yes, as opposed to the non-insidious feedback loop between the leftist media and the Democratic establishment, entrenched D.C. bureaucracy, etc.. Got it (the absolute lack of self-awareness of these statist apologists, aside)!!......................................................................................................P.S. And, yes, this is coming from an individual who has criticized Fox News a great amount over the years but who also understands that a) asshats like Margaret Sullivan are in no position to judge anyone and b) Fox news overall has been much tougher on Trump (over 50% of the stories having been negative according to the Media Research Center) than CNN and MSNBC (for example) ever were on President Obama. For the record.

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