Wednesday, March 4, 2020

On the U.S. Government Breaking Up Standard Oil as They Deemed it a Monopoly and Only Several Years Later Creating Their Own Gigantic Oil Cartel Replete with Price Controls, Tariffs, and an Overall Desire to Eliminate "Wasteful Competition"

This was of course a key part of Wilson's preparation for WW1 (an idiotic conflict that America should have avoided like the plague but, yeah, we're talkin' Wilson here) and just like with pretty-much any government intervention, externalities abounded; huge inefficiencies, cronyism, etc.. But the biggest rub of course here is the hypocrisy, the fact that feds would smash Standard Oil for being a monopoly (and it actually wasn't) and then go forward and create one of their own......and all to fight one of the most immoral wars in human history. I mean, does it get any more venal than that?

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