Monday, March 23, 2020

On Trump Making a Number of Brilliant Comments Pertaining to the FED Back In 2012 and 2013 but Now that He's the President and Needs Those Bubbles to Keep On Roaring, He's Sounding More and More Like an Economic Illiterate Right On Par with His Two Predecessors

My suspicion is that a) the fellow understands that this whole fucking thing is a house-of-cards, b) he's simply trying to buy some time until the election, and c) if he does win re-election he'll probably institute some significant reforms, possibly even doing away with the FED, instituting a currency reset, and finally tackling entitlement reform. Yeah, it could be wishful-thinking but the odds are certainly better with him at the helm than they'd be with Biden, a fellow who more than likely would try and inflate our way out of this.......and make the bubble even more massive!

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