Tuesday, March 17, 2020

On the Fact that the United States Led the Industrialized World In CO2 Reductions Last Year (Supposedly a Desirable Goal) and the Thing that Has Most Made that Conceivable, Hydraulic Fracturing (a Technique Which Has Made it Much Easier to Tap Into Natural Gas Deposits), Is Also Something that the Idiot Democrats Wish to Ban In What Is Clearly a Blatant Effort to Placate the Environmental Loony-Tunes

These schmucks know absolutely nothing about energy in that they literally seem to believe that a modern industrialized economy can sustain itself simply on wind and solar. It's ludicrous. a) These are diffuse, unreliable, expensive, resource intense, and low power density energy options and b) since they end up needing a fossil fuel back-up anyway, what's the entire point here?.....................................................................................As for this notion that fracking is bad for the environment, most of those charges have been hugely exaggerated and represent such a hard-core adherence to the precautionary principle that if our ancestors had acted similarly we'd still be residing in caves.............which is maybe what they want anyway. Who the fuck knows?.......................................................................................P.S. And they also seem to think that these windmills and solar panels just grow out of the ground or descend from the sky. They clearly don't and in fact require tremendous amounts of energy (none of which could possibly be provided by solar and wind) and mined resources which would not only create their own massive "carbon footprint" but also environmental degradation, mostly in third-world areas far, FAR, FAR removed from where Amy Klobuchar resides. THAT I can assure you.

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