Tuesday, March 31, 2020

On the Fact that if You're Only Testing Folks with the Wuhan Virus Whose Symptoms Are Severe Enough to Need Medical Treatment and/or Hospitalization, Yes, of Course the Death-Rate Is Going to Be High - HELLO!!!!!

What we're going to have to do is test a much larger segment of the population to see just how many folks have developed the antibodies to this virus (so people who have gotten the virus and whose symptoms have been relatively mild) and use this much larger statistic as our denominator, 'cause only then will we have a legitimate death-rate (which if I was a betting-man would be a hell of a lot less than the 1% minimum that this hysterical crowd is spouting)............and wouldn't that be helpful at this point (you know, before we crash the economy even more, surrender additional civil liberties, etc.)? I'm just askin'.  

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