Saturday, March 14, 2020

On the Fact that Civil Societies Have Always Had Their Oddities and Varying Degrees of Self-Loathing and For the Most Part They've Been Treated Compassionately but Lately We've Been Taking These Forms of Mental Illness and Putting Them at the Top of Society's Concerns and Even Glorifying Them to a Degree

And I think that people are finally getting sick of this degeneracy (with "trans-kids" and "drag-queen story-hour" probably being the tipping-points) being rammed down their throats (and, no, I'm not just talking about bigots here but also regular people and people who understand the tendency of history to repeat itself, of disorder to ultimately yield order, etc.). Hopefully we don't travel down the Canadian road and start compelling speech, 'cause if that shit happens, oh boy. OH......BOY. 

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