Sunday, March 15, 2020

On the Fact that the Buffoonish Sanders Has Been Chastised so Often by the Danes and Swedes About Their Countries Not Being Socialist that He's Now Naming Finland (Another Small and Homogeneous Scandinavian Country) as a Model Instead

And he's of course full of shit on this one as well in that Finland a) isn't any more of a socialist country than the other two (it's a market economy with a large welfare state, just like Denmark, just like Sweden, AND JUST LIKE THE UNITED STATES!) and b) has such a huge welfare state that the whole government recently collapsed under the weight of it (the high costs of government-run healthcare, municipal pensions, the proposed universal basic income plan, etc.). Unfortunately, being that the media perpetually lets him slide on this full-bore idiocy, continue with it he probably will (until, that is, the Fins start admonishing him).............Link -

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