Saturday, December 28, 2019

On the Fact that this Clownish Socialist Congresswoman's Plan to Improve Education for Black Students Is Apparently to Instill Even More Racial Resentment and Keep the Most Violent Kids In School

Yeah, this is the caliber of individual that our higher education system is routinely putting out these days; one in which ideology supersedes critical thinking to the point where they literally believe that every disparity in society has to be the result of racism (never minding the harsh fact that there has never been a society in the history of the world in which every component group has achieved equal results - NEVER!!). And does she really and truly think that black and white kids engage in equal levels of school violence? 'Cause if she does, I would instruct her to work as a substitute teacher in Baltimore for a wee-bit. Then maybe we could talk. Maybe.

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