Monday, November 18, 2019

On Trump Using the Term, Lynching (In Reference to These Sham Impeachment Hearings), and Hence Triggering the SJW Crowd......'Cause as We're All Supposed to Know, Lynching Only Pertains to Black People

Yeah, this is just more leftist ignorance. a) 27% of the people lynched in the old South were white. b) These lynchings all took place in the very rural areas of the South where there was frequently no law enforcement, making this shit much more of a vigilante justice phenomenon than an anti-black one. And c) these lynchings were almost exclusively reserved for the most barbarous of acts (murder, child rape, etc.) and so, yeah, this whole image of white folks going around lynching blacks for fun is nothing but abject anti-southern bigotry. Sorry but, yeah......................................................................................................P.S. And, yes, I get it that this whole "America is a racist country" template is critical to them maintaining the black vote and all but it has to come to a screeching halt eventually, no? Please, be reasonable, for Christ.

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