Monday, November 11, 2019

On this Warped Notion that the West Is Only About Oppression

It's absolute bullshit and I truly think that most people deep-down know that it's bullshit (the knowledge that, while, yes, the West has done some rotten things, it has also given the world science, modern medicine, the rule of law, equality before the law, freedom of thought and expression, the universal concept of human rights, the separation of church and state, free markets, limited government, secure property rights, enforceable contracts, the abolition of slavery, cheap and abundant energy, etc., etc.). But somehow it's gotten traction, this foolishness. Me, I mostly blame the academy but the hard truth is that this idiocy has permeated countless other institutions as well (the media, entertainment, the Democratic establishment, corporate America, etc.) and so, yeah, digging ourselves out won't be easy. Not even a little.

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