Saturday, November 16, 2019

On the Fact that When the Leftists and SJWs Say, "Believe All Women", What They Truly Mean to Say Is, "Believe All Women..................Except for Those Seven Who Have Accused Rodney Reed (the Bleeding-Hearts' Latest Dindu Project) of Violently Raping Them"

For those of you who haven't been following this, Reed was convicted 20 years ago of raping and murdering 19 year-old Stacey Stites. At first he told the police that he didn't know the gal and had never met her but when he was told that they had found his junk in her vagina, he switched his story to one of him and Stacey having a secret love affair, them having consensual sex one day prior to the murder, and so of course his junk would be found there. Unfortunately for ole Rod they also found his junk up her rectum and his saliva on her breasts and so unless Stacey was the type who didn't believe in showers and who enjoyed taking it up the poop-shoot from strange black drifters, yeah, I'm thinking, guilty. Sorry, Kardashians.

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