Sunday, November 3, 2019

On the Fact that 90% of the Amerindians Who Perished Due to the European Colonization of the New World Died Due to Diseases that They Didn't Have the Necessary Immunity for and, so, Yeah, Being that Genocide Is an INTENTIONAL Action Towards a Population, this Whole Idea of a Native-American Genocide Is Seemingly Just One More Vehicle to Demonize White Folks and Extract Still More Collective Guilt Out of Them

Another factor here is that there was an extraordinary amount of interbreeding/marriage between the European and Native populations (according to historian and Columbus scholar, Felipe Fernandez-Armesto, it was not uncommon for Columbus's men to assume as many as a half dozen native wives and you know how those Spanish fellows tend to get busy) and so a lot of that DNA still exists, it's simply watered-down, that's all....................................................................................................P.S. And, no, I'm not implying that the native-Americans didn't get screwed in certain regards. They clearly did. But what happened was inevitable because whenever civilizations collide, the more advanced one generally wins. And that's what happened here (as it did when the Sioux pushed the Ojibwa from their land, for example). Time to move on.

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