Tuesday, November 5, 2019

On ABC News Reporter, Amy Robach, Being Caught On a Hot-Mike Saying that the Head-Honchos of the Network Squashed a Huge Story that She Had Been Working On About Jeffrey Epstein......and that They've Been Suppressing it for Three Years Now - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3lfwkTsJGYA

Needless to say, ABC is in full damage-control, spitting out the usual bullshit lines about needing more corroboration (something that the clearly didn't worry about when it came to Judge Kavanaugh, those Covington Catholic kids, and Officer Wilson, to name a few), etc.. But, yeah, being that the toothpaste is already out of the tube COMPLETELY, it's gonna be extremely hard for them to overcome this one, I pray.

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