Friday, October 25, 2019

On Pedestrian Republican Ramrod, Charlie Kirk, Referring to Israel's 1967 Attack On the U.S.S. Liberty as a Conspiracy Theory (Accepting, I Gather, Israel's Bullshit Explanation that it Was an Accident)

The guy's in way over his head. The fact of the matter is that we now know with close to certainty that this was a deliberate attack by Israeli fighter-jets (communication intercepts, Dean Rusk's testimony, interviews with the survivors, etc.) with the goal probably being to lure us into a war with Egypt (having us do their dirty work, I guess). Of course (and unfortunately), in much the same way that you can't teach a hard-core leftist economics (other than Keynesian idiocy, that is), so, too, you can't teach a Neocon Military-Industrialist Israel-First Republican about the foolishness of Middle-Eastern involvement and, so, yeah, we're stuck with the schmuck, I guess.

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