Sunday, October 27, 2019

On Mayor Pete Proclaiming that He'd Be Down with Removing Thomas Jefferson's Name from Buildings and Streets, Taking Down Some of His Statues, etc. (this of Course Because Jefferson Owned Slaves and Ole Pete's Modern Sensibilities Simply Can't Handle that)

And then my question for ole Pete would be, "What about Mount Rushmore, asshole? Would your next move be to sandblast TJ from that? And what about the nickel coin? Are you going to purge him from that, too?" Of course, I would also point out to the ignorant buffoon that a) slavery was a universal institution as late as the mid-19th Century (so, yeah, post-Jefferson even) and the slaves in North America were treated better than anywhere else on the planet (with African, Muslim, and Native American slavery being the worst), b) more Europeans were enslaved by Muslims than blacks by North Americans (380,000 to over a million) and yet this is completely glossed over, c) the slaves in the American South were frequently better off than the free blacks in the North and even the dirt-poor whites in the South, d) blacks were sold into slavery by their fellow blacks and so if there is guilt to had it needs be shared, e) there were tens of thousands of black people who also owned slaves in North America and, so, again, the guilt needs to be shared, f) there isn't a single place on the globe where black people are better off with white people not around and so maybe getting on those boats wasn't the worst thing, g) whatever wealth that was accrued due to slavery was wiped out numerous times over by the Civil War, h) hundreds of thousands of poor Scotch, Irish, and English were also shipped over not just to North America but the Caribbean as well, i) far more black Africans were enslaved by Arabs than by white Europeans and as far as I know no calls for reparations have ever been made, and j) the American taxpayer has already dished out TRILLIONS of dollars over the past half century to help black people (and, no, this doesn't even include the money that whites have lost due to affirmative action) and, so, yeah, maybe some mitigation there, too...……….As for Jefferson specifically, yes, he was a flawed man but he was also far more enlightened than 99% of the men of his age and for a clown like Mayor Pete to try and tar him strictly by modern standards is revolting. Fuck Mayor Pete, I say.

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