Wednesday, October 16, 2019

On the Global-Warming Mafia Putting Pressure On Carl Mears (Head of Remote Sensing Systems) to Change the Satellite Temperature Data to Make it More In Accord with NASA's Contaminated Land Temperature Readings and, gee, What a Surprise, the Spineless Buffoon Caved

 Yeah, what the fellow did (and this might even be more egregious than what Michael Mann did when he merged two separate data sets) was remove the entire error band from his graph and strictly go with the higher mark of the range, AND THE DUDE DID IT FOR EVERY YEAR!!!!! Seriously (and, yes, I've given this analogy before but it's a solid one so, please, just humor me), that would be like flipping a coin dozens of times and getting a "head" every damned time. It's just not plausible and yet these radical leftists just keep lapping it up. It's frustrating. Truly.

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