Friday, October 18, 2019

On the Fact that We Are Presently Staring-Down at a Grand Solar Minimum Which if it's Anywhere Near as Bad as the Maunder Minimum of the 17th Century, Could Negatively Effect Global Food Production and Maybe Even Cause Famines......and Yet All that We Hear About from These Parasitic and Fascistic Politicians, Their Sponsors In the Media, and a Whole Host of Brain-Rotting Celebrities Are Platitudes About Nonexistent Global Warming and the Dangers of CO2 (One of the Fundamental Building-Blocks of Life)

My only hope is that there are at least a few grown-ups left in the administrative state who are preparing for multiple climate eventualities, 'cause if they're only focused on global warming, yeah, that could be trouble. Just ask those who made it through the Little Ice Age (through books of course).

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