Wednesday, October 2, 2019

On Bernie Sanders Putting Forth a Wealth Tax Proposal (AKA, a Plan to Legalize Theft)

Yeah, it's only 1% for couples worth $32,000,000 but, still, that's $320,000 a year on top of everything else that they're already paying the government. And morons like Sanders also have to realize that a sizable portion of that $32,000,000 is probably in property, capital investments, and other such things that aren't so easily liquidated and so, yeah, simply cutting a huge check every year might not be all that doable...………………………………………………………………….Of course the biggest problem with this parasitic money-grab is the fact that it will likely change behavior; folks either making less of an effort to accumulate wealth or simply moving out of the country (much akin to what people did in France in response to their punitive taxes) with tax revenue plummeting as a result. Not that Sanders has thought that far ahead, mind you, OBVIOUSLY.

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