Tuesday, September 24, 2019

On the Fact that There Was a Huge and Fully Documented Drop In Temperature from 1945 to 1975 (this Despite the Fact that the Industrialized World Was Bellowing Out Massive Amounts of Carbon Dioxide) and Just Like that it Was Stricken from the Record by a Cadre of Dishonest Climate Hucksters Because it Was Just too Inconvenient (that Word Again) for Them and Their Stupid-Assed Theory

While, yes, there's clearly a fair amount of deceit and deception on this issue, most of it, I would argue, pertains to the bureaucrats and political class, the rest of the people (those who appear to be gun-ho), it's probably as simple as short and imperfect memories and a basic unwillingness to check things out. Not that that's an excuse, mind you, just not as bad, that's all.

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