Saturday, September 21, 2019

On the Fact that There Is No Compelling Evidence Whatsoever that Carbon Dioxide Is the Primary Driver of Climate Change; Not In the Short-Term, Not In the Long-Term, and Not In the Intermediate-Term, and Yet We Continue to Have These Power-Addicted and Low IQ Political Buffoons Trying to Tell Us that Not Only Is Carbon Dioxide the Main Driver of Climate but that it's Actually a Poison and Pollutant (as Opposed to What the Stuff Truly Is; One of the Fundamental Building-Blocks of Life)

I've been on this globe for more that six decades now and this whole catastrophic anthropogenic global warming nonsense has to be the most bizarre thing yet that I've encountered. And it just will not go away (this as the sun is rapidly approaching a Maunder Minimum level of activity and with it several decades of possible global COOLING!!). Perplexing, isn't it?

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