Sunday, September 1, 2019

On the Fact that In Many Countries All Throughout the World (Lebanon, Algeria, Yemen, Iraq, Sri Lanka, Nigeria, Sudan, the Old Yugoslavia, Zimbabwe, etc.), Ethnic, Racial, and Religious Differences Have Frequently Been Dealt with Through Internecine Strife, Murder, Civil War, and Sometimes Even Genocide...……...and to Think that the United States Will Somehow, by Magic, Be Immune to Such Eventualities Is Extremely Naïve, I Would Argue (What, You Think that Those Good Old Boys Down South Are Going to Be Fine with a Socialist Government? Come On)

And pointing this out is not hate or white supremacy. It is simply pragmatism, an honest analysis of the evidence (historical, research-oriented, etc.), and just a plain old recognition that multiculturalism has been a full-bore failure. But, hey, if calling me a racist makes you feel better, sure, have at it, I guess.

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